Everyone in the USA needs to watch this video http://www..lewrockwell.com:80/blog/lewrw/archives/31514.html and watch this sight, this sight is where God will inform you... but we the people must act on it. Through prayer we can slow this down and turn this around. But ALL must do their part. The Churches and the Pastors must get their congregations involved and educated, joining forces with other churches and call this land back in to a good place.
It is a mechanics job to fix a car right, it is a lawyers job to protect their clients, it is a our Governments job to protect us from all harm, like wise it is the Churches job to act fully on Gods word and not to pick and choose what is important to them, but to God. Our Country is going, if not gone to an evil state of mind. We can change the game. I have been to a few churches, and do not hear the Pastors get their people involved and get down and pray for our country or other countries on a continual basis, doing due diligence and protecting us through prayer and exposure, getting real for God. God says when 2 or more gather in my name, I AM THERE! God is there.
The Pastors are in the same Power position as the President of our Country, more so really, they really know God. And have a full set of seats every Sunday that they can join in prayer with for our Country, other Countries and come against all evil going on in the world today with a legion of Gods Saints praying together on a regular basis changing what the enemy is doing and destroying mental, physically & Spiritually. However this is not getting exercised the way God has called them today.
WE can change the enemies course & plan if the Churches would do All God called them to do. To much is given, much is expected. God gave the Pastors a GREAT Responsibility as Leaders, and this is one of the most neglected and over looked situations the Churches are just not doing and or doing on a continual basis. We need this more than ever Churches. Lead by example, the people will follow. Lead us to safety. This is the churches job, to get this all exposed and pray for all of this every single Sunday and put into bible studies and meetings and get the job done for God in all things. But our Country and other countries is huge. If GOD were pleased we would be blessed. Food for serious thought. Are you really doing all you can... Are you...? The bible says do not add or take from Gods word, there is much to do, but this is huge. There is NO excuse for our Church leaders to not get this information to their congregations from the popet every single Sunday, and in bible studies. Use your power and responsiblities for God to really do what God has called us to do. The Battle is not close to over. We can change this game around. God have mercy on us all. There is no time to waste. Christians arise. Take your post and All people of God, watch and Pray. Join forces, all today. Prayer Warriors rise to the call. We all are on a mission to save as many as we can. Christians & ALL Churches join forces, don't be shy. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. But do not just say it, we MUST act on it.
Much of the time the Pastors, Churches, Christians are doing their part because the are doing things that are also important to God, but this is overlooked, praying with your Church, your whole Church and All Gods people, other Churches included on a regular basis to get Gods attention that we are fully in watch at our posts and praying as a Country, Nation, City, State and Gods people. I see way to much division in Gods People today. We must be what God has said we are in every since of the word. The enemy will cause you to say this is not important, and there goes us, The USA.
Pastors exercise every right and power you have in your life and the house of God that was so generously given to you by Our God, Our Lord, Our Savior. Help us and heal this Beautiful home, land and freedom that we should not be taking for granted. God is watching and very disappointed. We do not pick and choose, it is all important. The Swine flu could be the next plague.
Again I ask, are we doing ALL we can. Are you using Gods holy house for all purposes intended. Are we letting the enemy whom can be stopped by us by all Gods people, blind you and neglect what we all need to do? Are we?
Much of the time the Pastors, Churches, Christians are doing their part because the are doing things that are also important to God, but this is overlooked, praying with your Church, your whole Church and All Gods people, other Churches included on a regular basis to get Gods attention that we are fully in watch at our posts and praying as a Country, Nation, City, State and Gods people. I see way to much division in Gods People today. We must be what God has said we are in every since of the word. The enemy will cause you to say this is not important, and there goes us, The USA.